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CoreTech has been serving the Bowling Green area since 2006, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Is Your Organization Prepared to Respond to a Security Incident?

Security Incident

One cybersecurity incident takes place every 14 seconds. Contrary to common assumptions, hackers are not only attacking big businesses. Everyone is now a target, from multinational corporations to small local businesses. With no discernible attack pattern, it’s hard to tell who the next victim will be. Owners must prepare all organizations with a cyber-attack response in case of a security incident.

Importance of a Security Incident Response Plan

A ready response to a security incident saves you precious time when faced with an online threat. You have already developed the plan. You just need to execute the actions, so there won’t be any need for second-guessing or unnecessary and costly delays.

An incident response plan, also called a data breach response plan, 

will prevent further data loss or system damage, minimize downtime, cut financial losses, and help preserve your reputation among clients. Of course, it also helps your business get back on its feet as quickly as possible.

How to Create a Security Incident Response Plan

Creating a security incident response plan is a lengthy process that you should start long before a breach happens. It is not something left for the last minute when you’re in imminent danger. So here are the fundamental steps that you should take.

1. Assemble an incident response team.

Select competent individuals who can immediately take action during a security incident emergency. Make sure everyone is fully aware of their tasks. Enlist external assistance if necessary.

2. Backup your data. 

Breaches typically target an organization’s data either to steal it, destroy it, or get unauthorized access for malicious purposes. Whatever happens to your data, you should always have a secure backup to fall back on.

3. Monitor your system.

Vigilant monitoring alerts you of online threats before they escalate. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems and big data analytics can ensure rapid detection to safeguard your system and minimize damage. 

4. Prepare contingency plans.

These are the actions, and processes to execute when the security incident crisis starts. These would constitute a large part of your organization’s incident response plan. Here, you must include all the processes needed to shut down the system, contain and assess the damage, and notify customers of the situation. 

5. Practice simulations.

Preparing a response differs from carrying out the plans and strategies. Besides educating your employees on what to do in case of a security incident, you must also conduct regular simulations. This process will sharpen their responses and train them to take a calm approach when handling the situation.

6. Check and update regularly.

Cybersecurity threats evolve rapidly. A reliable response strategy today might be worthless in a few months. To keep your security incident response plan relevant and suitable, regularly check it and update variable elements like contact details, processes, and technology as needed. 

Boost Your Defenses against Security Incidents

Preparedness to respond to a security incident is vital. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg of your cybersecurity strategy. There are many other ways of boosting your organization’s defenses, such as training your employees regularly and making them aware of the importance of cybersecurity. You can also restrict access to sensitive data, tighten the perimeter of your IT infrastructure, and enforce a strict BYOD policy. 

Many recent security issues arise from using personally owned devices for work-related matters. You can mitigate such risks by implementing a comprehensive BYOD policy that outlines specific requirements, restrictions, and sanctions. Not sure how to create a policy from scratch? We have a BYOD policy template right here that you can download for free and customize to match your company’s needs. Contact us now if you need additional help!

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