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CoreTech Blog

CoreTech has been serving the Bowling Green area since 2006, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Seamlessly Integrate Co-Managed IT with Your Current Team

Integrate Co-Managed IT

If you have recently started a partnership to Integrate Co-Managed IT services with your business, congratulations! This decision can significantly enhance your IT capabilities and security. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where cyber threats are ever-present, such as the recent Microsoft attack, having a robust IT strategy is more critical than ever. Many organizations find that their internal IT teams are often stretched to their limits. By integrating co-managed IT, your staff can get some well-deserved relief while your business thrives like never before.

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Stay Protected with Managed Cybersecurity Services

Managed Cybersecurity

Cyberattacks are among the most serious threats that businesses today are facing. As technology evolves, so do these online threats that target businesses of all sizes. There are many ways to protect your data and your network, like using a reliable anti-malware program or regularly educating your staff on security measures. However, the best way to get maximum protection for your business is by subscribing to managed cybersecurity services.

What is Managed Cybersecurity?

Managed cybersecurity services are a range of security solutions offered by third-party IT providers. This service is designed to safeguard businesses and other organizations against even the most vicious online attacks. They include everything from the installation of firewalls to 24/7 monitoring of your networks for prompt detection of and action against threats.

There are tools available on the cloud that businesses can use to defend themselves against cyberattacks. However, if you want maximum protection against cyber threats and data breaches, partnering with a managed cybersecurity services provider is the way to go.

Benefits of Managed Cybersecurity for Businesses

MSPs that specialize in cybersecurity solutions can implement a range of comprehensive security measures and proactive solutions to keep your business protected. Here are some of the primary benefits that you can expect once you start working with a reputable provider:

Guaranteed Cybersecurity Expertise

It is not easy to find independent IT professionals who are well-versed in all the different areas of cybersecurity. Hence, there is no guarantee that an in-house tech guy can protect your system from all the threats online. Managed cybersecurity services can give you prime solutions for any security concern and ensure the safety of your systems.

Quick Response

Cyberattacks cannot always be avoided, but with rapid action, the damage can be minimized. On your own, even identifying the cause of a breach can take a long time. Meanwhile, the hacker would already be stealing data and wreaking havoc. Highly skilled cybersecurity experts, however, can identify and address the problem quickly, keeping the damage as minimal as possible.

Compliance Made Easy

As technology advances and threats evolve, data protection regulations are also becoming more complex. Complying with these regulations can significantly add to the burden of a business. A managed cybersecurity services provider can efficiently take care of all these compliance issues, giving you peace of mind and leaving you time to run your business.

Reduced Expenses with Managed Cybersecurity

Not many realize it but cybersecurity solutions can be very expensive. Licensed anti-malware programs alone can cost a pretty penny, plus you need to pay cybersecurity professionals to install and maintain these solutions for you. Naturally, you do not want to skimp on security solutions because you want the best protection for your company, but you wouldn’t want to spend more on it than is necessary either. With a good provider, you don’t have to. You can get the best managed cybersecurity solutions at a much lower cost.

Fortify Cybersecurity Expenses Using Our Excessive Spending Calculator

Many business owners spend more on cybersecurity than they should. In their desire to keep data and networks protected, they are very willing to purchase many solutions that will supposedly boost their defenses. The intention is good but if it is leading to unnecessary expenses, it’s time you take a closer look. You can do this with the help of our Excessive Spending Calculator.

The Excessive Spending Calculator is a handy program that can help you pinpoint areas in your business spending that you can curtail. It can help you prioritize investments so that you can fortify your cybersecurity defenses. You can download it for free right here.

Hackers show no signs of slowing down, and any business can be a target. Make sure you are prepared for any attack by keeping your defenses in top condition, with the help of a dependable managed cybersecurity services provider. We can also answer any questions you might have about cybersecurity and other MSP services. Just say the word, and we will be right over for a free consultation!

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Business Success: Embracing Managed Service Providers

business success

Cutting-edge IT solutions are a top priority among businesses in today’s digital world, and it’s no big surprise. Technology continuously evolves, sometimes at a frighteningly rapid pace. You must be equipped with the latest software and hardware to achieve that business success.

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Top IT Strategies to Drive Business Growth in 2024

IT Strategies

Technology evolves at a rapid pace. There is no stopping the onset of new infrastructure, IT strategies, tools, or concepts that would surely be integral to business growth. It can be a struggle to try to catch up with these new advances. So instead, why not take measures to keep you a couple of steps ahead? By anticipating the changes and having the necessary solutions in place to address them, your business can maintain its forward thrust and not get caught unprepared.

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IT Support Decision: In-House IT vs MSP

In-House IT

In the digital era that we are in now, there is no question why reliable IT support is a must for all businesses. Recently, if you want to stay productive, competitive, secure, or relevant in your industry, you need to have the proper technology in place. Ultimately, you also need capable In-House IT professionals to handle all these tech needs. 

The big question for many business owners is whether to hire an in-house team or to partner with a managed services provider. Both options have pros and cons. To make the right choice, you need to analyze the many differences carefully. To make a thorough In-House IT Guy vs Managed Service Provider comparison, let’s answer some of the most crucial questions.

What Can They Do?

Your In-House IT Guy

An in-house employee tasked with handling the company’s IT concerns is capable of regular IT infrastructure maintenance, general software, and hardware troubleshooting, and dealing with regular technology concerns. 

Managed Services Provider

A managed services provider can do everything that the IT guy can do, plus a much wider scope of services and solutions. An MSP employs several highly trained experts in various IT fields, so no matter what the issue, there’s bound to be at least one individual specially trained to address your problems. 

How Much Do They Cost?

Your In-House IT Guy

The cost of hiring an IT guy is equivalent to having an additional employee on the company’s payroll. It appears to be the more cost-effective option until you encounter a problem that is beyond your IT guy’s expertise, and that requires you to hire a third party. Furthermore, you would also have to spend on training, benefits, and even equipment for every IT professional you have on your staff. 

Managed Services Provider

MSP services usually come at a fixed monthly fee, the size of which would depend on the services that you need. It might be a higher cost than a single monthly salary, but it is inclusive of everything you would need. There will be no surprise expenses, which is much better in terms of budget management.

What Level of Expertise and Support Do They Offer?

Your In-House IT Guy

An In-House IT guy knows your systems like the back of his hand. This familiarity plus a strong understanding of your business, enables him to make sound decisions that will benefit your organization. On the other hand, their skills are limited compared to the combined skill set of an entire MSP team. 

Managed Services Provider

MSPs employ many IT professionals trained in diverse fields, from network management and cybersecurity to disaster recovery and cloud services. They will deploy their appropriate specialist to your company depending on your specific needs, so you will always get the best service. 

Can They Provide Scalability and Flexibility?

Your In-House IT Guy

Since they are just one individual, it would be difficult for them to adapt to sudden changes in the system, or to handle highly specialized projects. This can cause delays and a lack of efficiency in operations. 

Managed Services Provider

Scalability is one of the biggest advantages of working with an MSP. The services they offer are always flexible and can be adjusted based on the changing IT needs of your business. 

Final Thoughts

Based on the In-House IT Guy vs Managed Service Provider comparison above, for most businesses, working with an MSP presents significant advantages. However, keep in mind that not all MSPs are equally reliable. Before signing up with any provider, make sure they pass all the criteria listed in our 7 Components to Auditing an IT Provider. You can download the list here for your reference. 

We can help you eliminate all this unnecessary spending. Call us today!

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5 IT Red Flags for Your Business

IT red flags

Companies are increasingly reliant on technology for different aspects of their operations. IT has indeed come a long way and is now instrumental in the growth of many businesses, but it is still far from perfect. The more technology evolves, the more unwanted issues can arise with its use or misuse. So, how will you know these IT red flags if you do not have professional IT training?

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Hacker AI vs. Security AI: Understanding the Difference

Hacker AI

Artificial intelligence is an incredible kind of technology that simulates human intelligence. Through machine learning, AI acquires information that enables them to perform actions that are traditionally only done by humans. This kind of technology brings vast benefits to just about everyone. But at the same time, it also presents security risks, especially to organizations and businesses. This is because a hacker can use AI and use it to wreak havoc!

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Is Your Organization Prepared to Invest What is Needed into Cybersecurity?

Is Your Organization Prepared to Invest What is Needed into Cybersecurity?

Safeguarding your business' infrastructure from various threats is a well-known imperative. In discussions about network security, the term "endpoint" frequently arises. Exploring the significance of securing all endpoints is the focus of today's article.

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Real-Life Examples of How AI Was Used to Breach Businesses

AI to Breach Businesses

There has been a lot of talk recently, about how hackers are leveraging AI to breach businesses. Hackers can sneak their way in more easily with these new algorithms used in social engineering. 

Unfortunately, these are no longer just theoretical discussions. We have reached a point where AI-powered data breaches are actually a reality. In fact, they are among the most rapidly growing threats to businesses everywhere. Today, we will talk about some real-life examples of recent data breaches made possible through AI. 

TaskRabbit Data Breach 

IKEA’s well-known online marketplace TaskRabbit was one of the targets of hackers using AI to breach businesses in April 2018. TaskRabbit’s primary goal is to match freelancers (Taskers) in housekeeping, moving, delivery, and similar industries with local demand (Clients). It operates on a large scale, and when the breach happened, the site had millions of registered users. 

The company has found out that over 3.75 million records of Taskers and Clients were affected in the breach. Personal information and financial details were stolen. The website and the mobile app had to be shut down and taken offline for a while as the company dealt with the damage. According to investigations, the distributed denial-of-service, or DDoS, attack used an AI-enabled botnet. 

Yum! Brands Data Breach

Yum! Brands, was the victim of hackers using AI to breach businesses in January 2023. Initially, management thought that corporate data was the sole target of the attack, but it turned out that employee information was also compromised. An unidentified malicious actor launched a ransomware attack that led to the breach.

Many ransomware attacks that took place after the creation of AI tools leveraged AI technology to automate decisions on which data to take, as some brought more damage potential to the target business. It proved to be a good tactic, as Yum! was forced to close nearly 300 of their UK branches for several weeks. 

AI used to Breach Businesses like T-Mobile

This wireless network operator is no stranger to data breaches, having survived nine separate attacks in the last five years. Early this year, T-Mobile revealed that 37 million of its customer’s records were stolen in a breach that began in November 2022. 

According to the company’s AI analysts, the threat actor used an application programming interface or API equipped with AI capabilities and could secure unauthorized access. This ultimately led to the theft and exposure of sensitive client information, including full names, contact numbers, and PINs. 

AI used to Breach Businesses like Activision

In December 2023, hackers launched a targeted phishing campaign against Activision, the company that created the Call of Duty games. Hackers used AI to breach businesses like Activision and created the SMS messages used for the phishing attacks, which ultimately proved successful as one HR staff member succumbed to the bait. 

But we all know that one click is all it takes because, immediately, the hacker gains access to the complete employee database. This included email addresses, phone numbers, work locations, salaries, and more. However, they were able to find a solution since Activision could find the breach early.

Don’t Be the Next Victim of Hackers using AI to Breach Businesses!

Because of AI tools, data breaches have become much more far-reaching today in terms of business damage as compared to years past. The total cost is also much higher, with an average expense of $4.45 million for each breach. Although hiring an AI cybersecurity expert and upgrading your system would cost money, it wouldn’t come close to the expense of the harm a cyberattack would cause.

The examples above are all real, and as you can see, they have happened to large companies. All these companies thought they had reliable security systems, or so they thought. The point is that any of us, including you, could experience a data breach, especially one that uses AI. To learn more about how hackers use AI technology, download our FREE eBook, “The Growing Role of AI in Security – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.”

Would you take the risk and just cross your fingers that you don’t become the next victim, or would you take proactive measures right now to boost your defenses and maximize your company’s protection? If you choose the latter, we are here to provide all the services you need. Just contact us so we can make sure your system is safe from AI attacks.

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7 Ways AI Can Be Used by Hackers to Steal Personal Information

Steal Personal Information

Data breaches are now more rampant than ever to steal personal information. Each month sees at least 150 incidents that affect businesses, and these only account for the reported cases. One reason hackers can execute data breaches so easily is because of modern technology, like artificial intelligence. While AI can help society at large, it has also been instrumental in illicit activities like stealing personal information. Here are 7 ways by which hackers are using AI to infiltrate businesses.

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How Is AI Used Against Your Employees

AI against Employees

Artificial intelligence has evolved dramatically, and the improvements are evident. In one of its first applications, AI was used to develop a checkers program. It was a monumental achievement at the time but seems so simplistic compared to today’s AI applications. AI is an everyday tool behind many ordinary things like virtual assistants, autonomous vehicles, and chatbots. Because of this AI is now used against your employees if they are not aware. 

The Dark Side of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has become so advanced that it is often difficult to fathom whether something is real or AI-generated. When you attempt to distinguish between real photos taken by your friend and those produced by an AI photo app, it can be quite amusing. However, this could turn dangerous, especially when hackers use it to target employees. The goal is to infiltrate a company’s system or steal confidential data. And what’s alarming is that there are several ways that this can be done. 

Using AI Chatbots for Phishing Campaigns Against Employees

There used to be a time when phishing emails were easily distinguishable because of their glaring grammatical errors or misplaced punctuation marks. But with AI-powered chatbots, hackers can now generate almost flawlessly written phishing emails. Not only that, but these messages can also be personalized, making it more likely for the recipient to fall victim, as they won’t suspect that the email is fake.

CEO Fraud and Executive Phishing

This is not an entirely new method of social engineering. However, it has had a much higher success rate since generative AI tools emerged, making the phishing campaign more effective. In this type of phishing attack, hackers send out emails that look like they came from the CEO or some other high-ranking official. Most employees will not question this type of authority, especially since the message looks authentic, complete with logos and signatures. 

Using AI Deepfake to Create Deceptive Videos Against Employees

Many people are aware by now that emails can easily be faked. With the prevalence of phishing scams and similar cyberattacks, we now tend to be more vigilant when reading through our inboxes. But videos are a different thing. As the saying goes, to see is to believe. If there is a video, it must be real. There is no need to verify because it is in front of your eyes, so they would willingly volunteer sensitive information, grant unauthorized access, or whatnot. However many employees don’t realize that AI is so advanced that even these videos can now be fabricated using Deepfake technology.

What You Can Do To Keep Your Employees and Your Business Safe

Hackers are taking advantage of AI technology to execute their attacks. We can only expect these strategies to become even more aggressive as AI continues to advance. But at the same time, there are steps you can take to increase safety for your business and your employees.

AI Cybersecurity Training for Employees 

Awareness is key to mitigating the risks brought by AI-based attacks. With regular cybersecurity training, you can maintain employee awareness, help them understand how AI attacks work, and equip them with the knowledge to pinpoint red flags in suspicious emails. 

Limit Access to Sensitive Information

Employees should always be on a need-to-know basis with the company’s sensitive information to minimize the damage in the event of a data breach. The less they know, the less the cybercriminals can get out of them. 

Use AI-Powered Security Solutions

When it comes to AI, two can play the game. Cybercriminals may use AI to penetrate your system, but you can also use AI to detect such threats from a mile away. The important thing is to stay a couple of steps ahead of the enemy by ensuring that experts equip your security system with the most advanced AI tools to protect your organization and your employees.

Partner with an AI Security Expert

There is a plethora of AI tools widely available to anyone, and many of these are even free. But if you want to have the most secure system possible, we strongly recommend that you seek the help of experts in AI technologies. They can give you access to the most advanced AI tools and systems. On top of that, they can customize security strategies to align with your goals.

To learn more about what you can do, watch our on-demand webinar or download our Cybersecurity E-book.

AI technology has become so powerful that it can sometimes be scary. But with the right security solutions in place, your business and your employees can stay safe. If you are ready to take the step towards higher security and more robust protective measures, let us know. We will hook you up with an expert MSP fully capable of catering to your security needs.

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Emerging Threat: AI-Powered Social Engineering

AI Social Engineering

Artificial intelligence has brought many advantages to different aspects of modern life. This new technology allows for the fast and accurate analysis of massive amounts of data. It can eliminate task redundancy and minimize human error. Businesses have benefited from this powerful tool, as it enables them to accomplish more while using fewer resources. However, AI-powered social engineering also brings with it a plethora of new security risks.  

It is an impressive bit of technology, but it is not perfect, and hackers take advantage of its vulnerabilities for their malicious purposes. Also, it didn’t take long for cybercriminals to figure out how to leverage AI tools, especially with social engineering. 

What Is Social Engineering?

Before we bring AI into the picture, let us first talk about what social engineering is and why it is considered by many to be one of the most dangerous security threats. 

It is the use of manipulative or deceptive tactics to entice unwitting victims to do something they won’t normally do, like divulging sensitive information or confidential data, granting access to unauthorized entities, or performing other actions that compromise the company’s security. 

Social engineering comes in many forms, the most prevalent of which is phishing. Other methods are pretexting, baiting, and CEO fraud. When using these strategies, hackers bank on human error or weaknesses in human nature. It has always been a very effective method of hacking, but now, with powerful AI tools, social engineering has climbed to an entirely new level. 

AI-Powered Social Engineering Techniques

Generative AI tools have taken on much of the challenge that hackers used to face with social engineering. Through a range of AI algorithms, the techniques can now be implemented faster, more efficiently, and on a much wider scale than ever before.

Personalized Phishing Campaigns

Before AI, phishing emails had a generic look. They would not immediately draw your attention because it looks like something standard or random. But with AI, hackers can now create highly personalized and more convincing phishing messages that are more likely to get a response from the recipients. They can gather and analyze huge amounts of data from all over the internet, which helps make the emails seem credible. 

Voice and Facial Recognition

It’s certainly fun to play with apps that give you AI-generated likenesses of your photos. However, hackers will use the voice and facial recognition technology in these AI apps for their social engineering schemes. You might have a video call from someone you know, not realizing that you are talking to an AI-generated video of them. Hackers can easily do this using Deepfake technology, which not only manipulates images but audio as well. 

Automated Social Media Manipulation

Another capability of AI that hackers find extremely useful is to emulate human behavior. Through data analysis and machine learning, AI can create fake social media profiles, which can then spread fake news or sway public opinion. Even worse, hackers can automate all of this so it can happen quickly and result in far-reaching disastrous consequences. 

Social Engineering Chatbots

When live chat features came into use, customers would chat with a live person in real time. An actual customer service representative answered your questions or would assist you with whatever concern you had. But these days, it’s likely that you are only talking to a chatbot, which can give very human-like responses. Hackers use similar chatbots, except, instead of providing information, their main goal is to gather data or deceive unsuspecting individuals. 

How to Keep Threats at Bay

There is no way to stop cybercriminals from using AI tools for their malicious gain, especially since these tools have proven to be very effective. Despite the rising instances of AI-powered social engineering, you can take proactive measures to keep your business secure.

Education and Awareness

Ai-powered or not, social engineering tactics are highly reliant on human negligence. So it makes sense to keep these threats under control through constant education and awareness. Businesses must conduct regular training to keep employees updated on the latest cybersecurity threats and to remind them to stay vigilant and never let their guard down. 

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

The more layers of security you have, the harder it will be for hackers to get into your system, even if they use the most advanced AI algorithms. Multi-factor authentication gives hackers an extra hurdle to overcome when they try to get into your system. 

AI-Powered Security Solutions 

If hackers are using AI to boost their social engineering game, there is no reason you shouldn’t use AI to enhance your company’s security solutions. With artificial intelligence, it is a two-way street. You can either fear it or use it to your advantage. If implemented properly, an AI-powered cybersecurity system can give you an impeccable defense against any attack that online criminals might throw your way. 

Final Thoughts on AI-Powered Social Engineering

There are multiple ways that cybercriminals can leverage AI tools for their social engineering strategies. But there are just as many ways by which you can build a formidable defense against these attacks. To learn more about what you can do, download our Cybersecurity E-bookCall us anytime so we can send you more information or schedule a free consultation!

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Why Businesses Should Be Concerned about AI and Cyber Attacks

Ai and cyber attacks

Hacking methodologies have improved over the years. The moment a new IT program or algorithm becomes known, cybercriminals are right on it, immediately looking for ways to use these developments to their advantage. This is especially true in the realm of AI and cyber attacks.

While artificial intelligence has long been part of daily computing, recent advancements like generative AI chatbots have become a playground for hackers. Despite having robust cybersecurity strategies, many business owners may underestimate the potential threats posed by AI and cyber attacks.

A Rise in Security Risks for Businesses Because of AI

Thanks to AI tools, what used to be impossible is now very easy. Writing content, generating code, and analyzing data—an untrained employee with just a few clicks can do even so. For sure, businesses can save a lot of time, energy, and staff by using these tools. But since these same tools are also accessible to hackers, businesses will face harsh security risks because of AI and cyber attacks. 

Using AI Tools to Launch Attacks on Companies

Hackers have found so many ways to use AI tools to launch cyber attacks. We have already discussed this in our previous two blogs, so we will no longer go into detail. However, some of the most notable applications cybercriminals have found for AI are for writing phishing emails that look very real, tracking keyboard inputs, analyzing online data, cracking passwords, and launching automated and simultaneous attacks. 

AI has basically eliminated the need for superior programming skills to be a successful hacker. Hackers can do most of the tasks within seconds, with the right strategy and using the right AI algorithms. 

So now that hackers are actively using AI as a tool to penetrate even the most foolproof systems, it is not the time for companies to sit back and relax. Instead, businesses should upgrade their cybersecurity systems, ensuring that they update them enough to protect against AI-powered security risks. 

Attacking Vulnerable Businesses with AI Systems

The widespread use of AI systems by businesses, which is understandable, is another factor contributing to the increase in cyber attacks. With the benefits these systems offer, it would be unwise not to take advantage of them. But like anything in its early stages, AI systems are still new and have a few vulnerabilities. Because of this, they have become an easy and prevalent target for hackers. 

Hackers have identified at least four methods for attacking a company’s AI system. Adversarial attacks are the most common, where an algorithm misleads a machine learning model by submitting an intentionally wrong input. Other methods are data poisoning and prompt injection, which can corrupt the system’s learning process.

Hackers favor backdoor attacks because they can infiltrate a target AI system for a very long time without the system’s security even noticing them. Backdoors are a bit more difficult to implement, but the rewards for hackers are tremendous.

How Businesses Can Mitigate AI and Cyber Attack Risks

Now, although AI comes with endless benefits, it also brings with it monumental security risks. It is also not a passing trend that will fade soon enough and that you can ignore. This is just the beginning. AI tools for hacking will become more destructive in the coming years. And for this reason, businesses must be concerned about these AI tools and cyber attacks. 

The good news is that there are many things businesses can do to protect against security risks. If you are already using generative AI tools in your business, you must identify and contain its vulnerabilities and take steps to strengthen these areas of the system. Regular employee training is also a must, particularly about prudence in entering data into AI-powered chatbots. 

It is also crucial to do data encryption when training a generative AI system for your business. Keeping data anonymous is also helpful in maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information. Of course, your choice of AI tools is also very important. There are now so many choices available, and the tendency is to go for the cheapest one. But it is always better to spend more on a reliable tool rather than risk the security of your business for a few dollars saved. 

If you want to learn more about using AI systems and protecting your business from AI and cyber attacks, we can help. Just call us and we will schedule a consultation where we can discuss your business security needs and address them accordingly. Don’t forget to Download our E-book which talks about the cybersecurity role of AI in security.

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How Is AI Used in Cybersecurity Especially in Hacking?

Ai Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence has found many excellent uses in business in the past year. In particular, generative AI chatbots based on the large language model (LLM), like the currently very popular ChatGPT from OpenAI, are now being used by cybersecurity companies to respond to customer service requests, create presentations, manage meetings, write emails, and do many more tasks instead of hiring employees to do the same jobs. This, and hundreds of similar AI tools, have made work simpler, faster, and more efficient for businesses worldwide. 


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How Do Hackers Use AI?

How Hackers Use AI

Artificial intelligence has been a key ingredient in propelling businesses forward—creating better customer engagement, cutting response times, providing client-specific solutions, and more. But hackers have also had access to the same innovative technology: AI. While businesses use it to improve their operations, hackers have also been busy using AI technology to advance their illicit activities. 


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Role of Cybersecurity Training in Compliance and Risk Reduction

Cybersecurity compliance

The primary reason for training employees on cybersecurity is to protect the organization from online attacks. But there are many other reasons you should embark on security awareness training. It is also important for customer reassurance, employee wellbeing, and, our topic for this post, cybersecurity compliance and risk reduction. 

Why is Cybersecurity Training Important in Compliance and Risk Reduction?

There are both direct and indirect correlations between cybersecurity training and regulatory compliance. For example, many regulatory agencies explicitly require businesses to conduct regular security policy training or data protection training for all employees. Failure to comply with this requirement would cause fines and other sanctions. 

It saves you from penalties and other sanctions. 

Depending on your industry, and your business location, there are some cybersecurity regulations that you would have to comply with. Some cybersecurity compliance regulations are HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, NYDFS, GDPR, NIST, CMMC, and many more. Failure to comply with these requirements would put your system at serious risk. But also, you might have to face steep penalties and hefty sanctions, including legal action. 

It helps avoid a range of other errors. 

Inadequately trained employees are more vulnerable to phishing and social engineering attacks. They might even unknowingly violate policies and handle data poorly, which could lead to a range of compliance errors. Proper training can help avoid all this.

It encourages alertness and vigilance. 

Unique cybersecurity training strategies like simulated attacks will boost retention and make employees more alert for looking out for cyber threats. It also ensures compliance with the Cybersecurity Framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and, though not a legal requirement, is one of the best risk management practices.

It emphasizes the need for encryption and data security.

Data confidentiality and risk mitigation are crucial aspects of data privacy training for meeting compliance demands, especially with encryption, data sharing, and access controls.

It makes for improved compliance audits.

Cybersecurity training ensures not only that your organization passes compliance audits but also that it does so with flying colors. When all employees receive security regulation training, there is a higher chance of getting an exemplary audit report. 

It lets regulators gauge your level of cybersecurity compliance.

A good training program comes with participation monitoring and various metrics for evaluating its effectiveness. All this is useful for regulators to check your organization’s compliance with cybersecurity requirements. 

It creates a robust security culture within your organization. 

The existence of a regular training program shows your staff that you are serious about cybersecurity and encourages everyone to take the best individual steps toward maintaining a high level of protection. It minimizes the risk of insider threat. 

It keeps everyone updated on the latest security practices and compliance standards.

Online threats continue to evolve every day, so compliance standards need to adjust as well. Regular training ensures that your entire organization is trained on all the latest advances, always keeping you compliant. 

It encourages top management to prioritize cybersecurity compliance mandates.

With a solid understanding of the importance of compliance and liability, top executives will be more attentive to enforcing mandates on cybersecurity and data protection. 

Final Thoughts on Cybersecurity Compliance

Often, cybersecurity compliance may seem like just another routine requirement in the workplace, but it has a significant impact on many aspects of the business, as you have just seen. 

Has your data been hacked? Download our Infographic, “The Top 10 steps to take if you think you have been hacked.” If you’d like, call us and we can talk about how we can customize data security for your unique needs! 

If you want to know more, just let us know and we will be happy to give you a free consultation!

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Six Tips to Stay Safe Online This Holiday Season

Six Tips to Stay Safe Online This Holiday Season

The holidays are a time of love and giving, but they are also a time when hackers run rampant. If you don’t want to get a stolen identity in your stocking this year, we recommend you practice the following safe shopping security measures.

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Top Mistakes to Avoid When Training Staff on Cybersecurity


As technology continues to advance, so do the techniques used by hackers. We must keep up with their evolving strategies to keep our systems protected. To do this, regular cybersecurity training of employees is a must. Studies show that an effective training method can reduce vulnerability to phishing and similar attacks from 60% to 10% within a year.

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How Hackers Use Social Engineering Tactics in Phishing Scams

social engineering tactics

Social engineering is quite a buzzword these days in the world of cybersecurity. But what is it, and why are businesses so afraid of it? It is a form of hacking that uses deception and manipulation to get victims to divulge information. Companies have reason to be fearful because social engineering tactics have led to a lot of destruction and millions of dollars in losses for businesses worldwide.

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Cyberthreats Threaten Your Entire Business

Cyberthreats Threaten Your Entire Business

Countless challenges arise for businesses, ranging from supply chain disruptions and employee turnover to the unpredictable forces of natural disasters. Among these challenges, cyberattacks stand out as an inconspicuous yet highly menacing threat. In this article, we delve into the various ways cyberattacks endanger your business and provide insights on how to prepare for them effectively.

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Understanding IT

IT can be a complicated thing - trust us, we know. With so much terminology and moving parts to keep track of, there are a lot of concepts that can be tricky to grasp without a little guidance. We’re here to provide this guidance with a few brief guides to key IT topics. Check them out here.

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Suite 116

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